Service Member Counselor Program

We’re working with the Baylor University School of Social Work to give civilian counselors the tools to help meet the unique needs of service families.

A program designed to help service families.

Our partners at Baylor University have created a tested curriculum to help counselors address the unique hardships of service relationships. 

The goal is to to develop a network of available counselors our service couples can go to, a referral network across the country of understanding counselors who can give our service families the tools they need to save their families.

For more information about being part of our program or using the curriculum, please contact us.

The program consists of six, one-hour modules available online 24/7, with APP capability include these topics:


  • Introduction to SMCP
  • Military/VA Culture
  • First Responder Culture
  • Strengths, Opportunities, and Challenges of the Serving Spouse
  • Strengths, Opportunities, and Challenges of the Supporting Spouse
  • Specialized Clinical Practice Skills for military, veteran, and first responder Couples